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How to Uncover Your Competitors Content Strategy


The following article will discuss an important topic that is “How to Uncover Your Competitors’ Content Strategy” and we will talk about it in more details within the article.If your competitors are crushing you online, it could have something to do with your content. And if you want to get an accurate look at how your articles or blog posts are performing in relation to other brands in your space, you’ve got to do some digging.

You’ll need a good tool in your arsenal for understanding your competitors’ content strategies. One that’s worth checking out is Content Explorer, a new feature from Ahrefs that allows you to take a peek inside other websites’ content strategies.


Content Explorer Features


It’s the most comprehensive keyword tool available right now.The re-launch of Content Explorer gives me another good reason to stick with Ahrefs, as it can tell you everything about your competition’s content, including:

  • Social shares
  • Traffic
  • How often they’re updating that content
  • When it was originally published

Basically, the tool tells you every little thing that your competition is doing with their content. More importantly, it tells you which things your rivals are succeeding at, and helps you highlight the areas in which you may be able to gain an advantage.
It’s important to note that Content Explorer doesn’t just bill itself as a way to discover your competition’s strategy. It has a ton of other features that are highlighted as essential for any content marketer, including the ability to.

  • Discover popular content around specific keywords, based on social shares, organic search traffic and referring domains
  • Highlight unlinked mentions of your website or brand, which could be used for backlink building campaigns
  • Filter results according to language, domain rating, word count and backlinks. The language filter is particularly helpful because you can see if brands are publishing content in other languages, which could help you find new markets you might not have previously considered.

And specific features that are new to Ahrefs’ Content Explorer 2.0 include:

  • Broken (404 & 410) pages
  • Published & republished dates
  • Content trends graph
  • New in-line charts
  • UI and filtering improvements

So, overall the Content Explorer is a comprehensive tool for finding popular content for any topic. The deeper you dig, the more you can learn about your content, your competitors and where the searches for your keywords and industry are going.Regarding this Digital Marketing Course in Dwarka are do their job so well.

How to Use Your Competitor’s Content Strategy to Your Advantage


So once you’ve collected all of this data about your competition, what do you do with it? Start with a SWOT analysis.SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and analyzing it’s a significant part of any competitive marketing analysis. This approach is usually used to examine businesses as a whole, but you can scale it down to just focus on content marketing as well.


What are your competitors doing well and what can you learn from their example? How does their content compare to your own? A few elements to consider include.

Word count: Often, the longer the content, the better it’ll perform. What is your average post length compared to your competitors’?

Format: Is the content scannable and easy to read, with headers and bullets to break up the text?

Publish date: How new is the content?

Last updated: How up-to-date is the content, and when was it last updated?

Keyword ranking: Whose content ranks higher for important keywords in Google?

Although Content Explorer will mostly give you quantitative data, don’t forget to consider a qualitative analysis as well. If the content that your competitors are producing is genuinely better than yours in terms of providing value for your audience, it won’t be long before it outranks yours.


Next, take a look at the worst-performing content from both you and your competitors, and see if you notice any patterns. Analyze it against the strengths list to highlight the specific areas where it’s falling short.


Now that you know your competitors’ weaknesses, you can focus on making them your strengths. If their average word count is 900 words, make yours 1,900 (the average Google first page post is 1,890 words). If they’re creating video content, chances are you should do it too (just be sure to post the transcript with the embedded video on your blog to get the SEO boost).

Run the URLs for their most popular pages through Ahrefs, SEMrush or whichever tool you’re using for competitive analysis. Have they been updated recently? Do they have broken links? Create content on the same topics, with links to relevant, recently published content and up-to-date information.At the end of the day, your opportunities are all about taking what your competition is failing at and turning it into a success for you.


Your threats are the areas where your competitors are either already taking your business or have to potential to. If you see that one of your competitor’s landing pages is one of their most popular pages – and has vastly more traffic than your landing page for a competing product or service – then you know that you need to improve your conversion funnel, stat.
Likewise, if your competitors have positive mentions all over the Internet and you don’t, then you need to get your happy customers to start singing your praises in a big way, or enlist an influencer to review your product.


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